Mahalanobis Distances in SPSS – A Quick Guide


In SPSS, you can compute (squared) Mahalanobis distances as a new variable in your data file. For doing so, navigate to Analyze SPSS Menu Arrow Regression SPSS Menu Arrow Linear and open the “Save” subdialog as shown below.

SPSS Mahalanobis Distances Regression Dialog

Keep in mind here that Mahalanobis distances are computed only over the independent variables. The dependent variable does not affect them unless it has any missing values. In this case, the situation becomes rather complicated as I'll cover near the end of this article.

Mahalanobis Distances - Basic Reasoning

Before analyzing any data, we first need to know if they're even plausible in the first place. One aspect of doing so is checking for outliers: observations that are substantially different from the other observations. One approach here is to inspect each variable separately and the main options for doing so are

SPSS Outliers In Histogram 0285

Now, when analyzing multiple variables simultaneously, a better alternative is to check for multivariate outliers: combinations of scores on 2(+) variables that are extreme or unusual. Precisely how extreme or unusual a combination of scores is, is usually quantified by their Mahalanobis distance.

The basic idea here is to add up how much each score differs from the mean while taking into account the (Pearson) correlations among the variables. So why is that a good idea? Well, let's first take a look at the scatterplot below, showing 2 positively correlated variables.

Mahalanobis Distance Scatterplot A

The highlighted observation has rather high z-scores on both variables. However, this makes sense: a positive correlation means that cases scoring high on one variable tend to score high on the other variable too. The (squared) Mahalanobis distance D2 = 7.67 and this is well within a normal range.

So let's now compare this to the second scatterplot shown below.

Mahalanobis Distance Scatterplot B

The highlighted observation has a rather high z-score on variable A but a rather low one on variable B. This is highly unusual for variables that are positively correlated. Therefore, this observation is a clear multivariate outlier because its (squared) Mahalanobis distance D2 = 18.03, p < .0005. Two final points on these scatterplots are the following:

Mahalanobis Distances - Formula and Properties

Software for applied data analysis (including SPSS) usually computes squared Mahalanobis distances as

\(D^2_i = (\mathbf{x_i} - \mathbf{\overline{x}})'\;\mathbf{S}^{-1}\;(\mathbf{x_i} - \overline{\mathbf{x}})\)


Some basic properties are that

Finding Mahalanobis Distances in SPSS

In SPSS, you can use the linear regression dialogs to compute squared Mahalanobis distances as a new variable in your data file. For doing so, navigate to Analyze SPSS Menu Arrow Regression SPSS Menu Arrow Linear and open the “Save” subdialog as shown below.

SPSS Mahalanobis Distances Regression Dialog

Again, Mahalanobis distances are computed only over the independent variables. Although this is in line with most text books, it makes more sense to me to include the dependent variable as well. You could do so by

Finally, if you've any missing values on either the dependent or any of the independent variables, things get rather complicated. I'll discuss the details at the end of this article.

Critical Values Table for Mahalanobis Distances

After computing and inspecting (squared) Mahalanobis distances, you may wonder: how large is too large? Sadly, there's no simples rule of thumb here but most text books suggest that (squared) Mahalanobis distances for which p < .001 are suspicious for reasonable sample sizes. Since p also depends on the number of variables involved, we created a handy overview table in this Googlesheet, partly shown below.

Critical Values Mahalanobis Distances

Mahalanobis Distances & Missing Values

Missing values on either the dependent or any of the independent variables may affect Mahalanobis distances. Precisely when and how depends on which option you choose for handling missing values in the linear regression dialogs as shown below.

SPSS Linear Regression Missing Values Dialog

If you select listwise exclusion,

If you select pairwise exclusion,

If you select replace with mean,


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