Extract Digits from String Variable

Recently, one of our clients used a text field for asking his respondents’ ages. The resulting age variable is in age-in-string.sav, partly shown below.

SPSS Extract Digits From String

I hope you realize that this looks nasty:

For adding injury to insult, the data contain 3,895 cases so doing things manually is not feasible. However, we'll quickly fix things anyway.

Inspect Frequency Table

Let's first see which problematic values we're dealing with anyway. So let's run a basic frequency table with the syntax below.

*Check which (string) values are present in age.

frequencies age
/format dfreq.


If we scroll down our table a bit, we'll see some problematic values as shown below.

SPSS Frequency Table Age

This table shows us 2 important things:

most values that can be corrected start off with 2 digits;
at least one value is preceded by a leading space.

Let's first remove any leading spaces. We'll simply do so by running compute age = ltrim(age).

Extract Leading Digits

We'll now extract any leading digits from our string variable with the syntax below.

*Create new string variable of length 3 -assume that nobody is older than 999 years....
string nage (a3).

*Loop over characters in age and pass into nage if they are digits.
loop #ind = 1 to char.length(age).
do if(char.index('0123456789',char.substr(age,#ind,1)) > 0).
compute nage = concat(rtrim(nage),char.substr(age,#ind,1)).
end if.
end loop.

So what we very basically do here is

This last condition is needed for values such as “55 and will become 56 on 3/9” We need to make sure that no digits after “55” are added to our new variable. Otherwise, we'll end up with “555639” -an age perhaps only plausible for Fred Flintstone.

Inspect Which Values Couldn't be Converted

Let's now inspect which original age values could not be converted. We'll rerun our frequency distribution but we'll restrict it to respondents whose new age value is still empty.

*Include only respondents without nage in next table.

select if (nage = '').

*Check which age values weren't converted yet.

frequencies age
/format dfreq.


Surprisingly, a quick scroll down our table shows that we can reasonably convert only a single unconverted age value: “Will become 56 on the 3rd of September:-)”

SPSS Adjust Single Data Value

It is probably safe to infer from this statement that this person was 55 years old at questionnaire completion. We'll set his age to 55 with a simple IF command. We'll then run a quick final check.

*Manually correct single age value.

if(char.index(age,'Will become 56') > 0) nage = '55'.

*Recheck which age values weren't converted yet.

select if (nage = '').

frequencies age
/format dfreq.

Final Frequency Table

As shown below, our minimal corrections resulted in a mere 148 (out of 3,895) unconverted ages. A quick scroll down our table shows that no further conversions are possible.

SPSS Valid Values For Frequencies

We'll now convert our new age variable into numeric with ALTER TYPE and inspect the result.

*Convert nage to numeric.

alter type nage(f3).

*Check age distribution.

frequencies nage

*Exclude nage = 99 from all analyses and/or editing.

missing values nage (99).

Inspect Final Results

First off, note that our final age variable has N = 148 missing values -just as expected. It is important to check this because ALTER TYPE may result in missing values without throwing any error or warning.

Next, a histogram over our final age values is shown below.

SPSS Histogram Age Distribution

Although the age distribution looks plausible, the x-axis runs up to 120 years. SPSS often applies a 20% margin on both sides so this may indicate an age around 100 years.

Closer inspection shows that somebody reported an age of 99 years. As we think that's not plausible for the current study, we set it as a user missing value.


Thanks for reading!



SPSS LTRIM (left trim) removes leading spaces from string values. These occur especially when converting numbers to strings by using the stringfunction.The reason this occurs is that SPSS' default alignment for numeric variables is right and string values are always padded with spaces up to the length of their containing variable. For removing trailing rather than leading spaces, see RTRIM.

SPSS Ltrim Results of CONCAT with and without LTRIM

SPSS Ltrim Example

The syntax below demonstrates a situation where you'll like to use LTRIM. Running step 1 simply creates a mini dataset. Step 3 uses CONCAT without LTRIM and thus results in a values containing undesired spaces. Finally, step 4 shows how to avoid these by using LTRIM. The results of steps 3 and 4 are shown in the above screenshot.

SPSS Ltrim Syntax Example

*1. Create mini dataset.

data list free / id(f5).
begin data
1 12 123 1234 12345
end data.

*2. Declare new string variable.

string sentence(a10).

*3. Results in undesired spaces before numbers.

compute sentence = concat("id = ",string(id,f5)).

*4. Ltrim undesired spaces and then concatenate.

compute sentence = concat("id = ",ltrim(string(id,f5))).



SPSS REPLACE replaces a substring in a string by a different (possibly empty) substring.

SPSS Replace - Removing Spaces

SPSS Replace Function URLs are created from "title" by using REPLACE. The syntax below demonstrates how to do this.

We have a dataset holding the titles of web pages and we'd like to convert these to URLs. For one thing, we don't like spaces in URLs. The syntax below shows how to remove them. Step 1 creates a tiny dataset (just run and otherwise ignore it) and step 3 demonstrates how to remove spaces using REPLACE.

SPSS Replace Syntax Example 1

*1. Create mini dataset.

data list free/title(a50).
begin data
"Suffix All Variable Names"
"SPSS Syntax - Six Reasons you Should Use it"
"Reverse Code Variables with Value Labels"
end data.

*2. Declare new string variable for URL.

string url(a50).

*3. URL is title with spaces removed.

compute url = replace(title,' ','').

SPSS Replace - Replacing Spaces

SPSS Replace Syntax Example 2

*4. URL is title with spaces replaced by dashes.

compute url = replace(rtrim(title),' ','-').

*5. Replace triple dashes by single dashes.

compute url = replace(url,'---','-').

*6. Convert URL to lowercase.

compute url = lower(url).

*7. Delete values from URL.

compute url = ''.

*8. Compute URL in one go.

compute url = lower(replace(replace(rtrim(title),' ','-'),'---','-')).



By default, SPSS right pads string values with spaces up to the length of their containing string variables. You don't usually see this but it may complicate concatenating strings. Such complications are avoided by trimming off trailing spaces using RTRIM (right trim). In Unicode mode, RTRIM is applied automatically but it's fine to use it anyway.

SPSS Rtrim Results of steps 6 and 7 of the example syntax

SPSS Rtrim Example

The syntax below demonstrates two complications that may result from omitting RTRIM. We recommend you run it and inspect the results after each step. Make sure you have no datasets open because they'll prevent SPSS from switching Unicode Mode off.

SPSS Rtrim Syntax Example

*1. Remember settings and switch Unicode mode off.


set unicode off.

*2. Create mini dataset.

data list free / first last (2a10).
begin data
John Doe
end data.

*3. Declare new string variable.

string full(a10).

*4. Attempt 1. Concat does not seem to work.

compute full = concat(first,last).

*5. Increase string length.

alter type full(a20).

*6. Attempt 2. Results in excessive spaces.

compute full = concat(first,last).

*7. Attempt 3. Rtrim removes excessive spaces.

compute full = concat(rtrim(first),' ',rtrim(last)).

*9. Close all open data.

dataset close all.

new file.

*10. Restore system settings.


SPSS Rtrim Syntax Notes


The SPSS INDEX function returns the position of the first occurrence of a given expression within a string. If the expression does not occur in the string, it returns a zero. As a rule of thumb, always use it as CHAR.INDEX. The reason for this is explained SPSS Unicode Mode. Note that string values are case sensitive.

SPSS Index FunctionSPSS Index Function Example

SPSS Index Example

Say we have data holding some email addresses and we'd like to see which domains are used most. For each email address, the domain is everything after the @ sign. The syntax below demonstrates how to do so. We'll first find the position of the first (and only)@ in step 2. Next, we'll substitute that into a SUBSTR function in step 4.

SPSS Index Syntax Example 1

*1. Create data.

data list free/email (a20).
begin data
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] maarten1979bkb.nl
end data.

*2. Find position of first "@".

compute first_a = char.index(email,'@').

*3. Declare new string variable for domain.

string domain(a15).

*4. Extract domain from email address.

compute domain = char.substr(email,char.index(email,'@') + 1).

*5. Correction for email without "@".

if char.index(email,'@') = 0 domain = ''.

Note that there's an error in the data since the last email address doesn't contain any @. Therefore, first_@ is zero for this case. This makes step 4 come up with an incorrect domain, hence the correction at the end.A better option here is to use a single IF command that computes the domain only if @ is present in the email address.

SPSS Index - the Divisor

A little known feature of SPSS' INDEX function is an optional third argument known as the divisor. The divisor divides the search expression into substrings of length n. The position of the first occurrence of one of these substrings is returned. For example, in CHAR.INDEX(variable,'0123456789',1) the divisor is 1. This breaks 0123456789 into substrings of length 1, rendering the digits 0 through 9. The position of the first digit is now returned.

The next syntax example extracts all digits from a string. It combines the use of the divisor with LOOP, SUBSTR and CONCAT in order to do so. The last step uses ALTER TYPE for converting it into a numeric variable.

SPSS Index Syntax Example 2

*1. Check whether any number is present in email.

compute number_present = char.index(email,'0123456789',1) > 0.

*2. Declare new string.

string numbers(a20).

*3. Loop through characters and pass each digit into string.

loop #pos =1 to char.length(email).
if char.index(char.substr(email,#pos,1),'0123456789',1) > 0 numbers = concat(numbers,char.substr(email,#pos,1)).
end loop.

*4. Convert string to numeric variable.

alter type numbers(f1.0).

SPSS String Variables Tutorial


Working with string variables in SPSS is pretty straightforward if one masters some basic string functions. This tutorial will quickly walk you through the important ones.

SPSS Main String Functions

SPSS Syntax Example

We asked respondents to type in their first name, surname prefix and last name. We'd like to combine these into full names and correct some irregularities such as incorrect casing and double spaces. For creating some test data, close all open datasets and run the syntax below.

*Create mini test dataset.

set unicode off.
data list free/s1 s2 s3 (3a20).
begin data
'ANNEKE' ' VAN DEN ' 'BERG' 'daan' '' 'balvert' 'a' '' 'b'
end data.

1. Correcting First Names

*1. Declare new string variables.

string n1 to n4 (a20).

*2. Extract first letter of first name.

compute n1 = char.substr(s1,1,1).

*3. Convert to upper case.

compute n1 = upcase(n1).

*4. Substitution: use substring function within upcase function.

compute n1 = upcase(char.substr(s1,1,1)).

*5. Extract remaining letters and convert to lower case.

compute n1 = lower(char.substr(s1,2)).

*6. Substitution: concatenate results from previous attempts.

compute n1 = concat(upcase(char.substr(s1,1,1)),lower(char.substr(s1,2))).

2. Correcting Surname Prefixes

*1. Remove leading spaces.

compute n2 = ltrim(s2).

*2. Substitution: remove leading spaces and convert to lower case.

compute n2 = lower(ltrim(s2)).

*3. Replace double spaces by single spaces.

compute n2 = replace(n2,' ',' ').

3. Combining First and Last Names

*1. Reuse capitalization syntax used for first name on last name.

compute n3 = concat(upcase(char.substr(s3,1,1)),lower(char.substr(s3,2))).

*2. If rtrim is omitted, concat doesn't seem to work.

compute n4 = concat(n1,n2,n3).

*3. Correct concatenation but spaces should be inserted.

compute n4 = concat(rtrim(n1),rtrim(n2),rtrim(n3)).

*4. Final concatenation.

compute n4 = concat(rtrim(n1),' ',rtrim(n2),' ',rtrim(n3)).

*5. Replace double spaces by single spaces.

compute n4 = replace(n4,' ',' ').

4. Flag Single Letter Names

*1. Find short first/last names from separate name components.

compute flag_1a = char.length(s1).
compute flag_1b = char.length(s3).

*2. Find short first/last names from combined names.

compute flag_2a = char.index(n4,' ') -1.
compute flag_2b = char.length(n4) - char.rindex(rtrim(n4),' ').

SPSS String Variables Basics

For working proficiently with SPSS string variables , it greatly helps to understand some string basics. This tutorial explains what SPSS string variables are and demonstrates their main properties.
We encourage you along by downloading and opening string_basics.sav. The syntax we use can be copy-pasted or downloaded here.

SPSS String Variable Basics Data File

SPSS String Variables - What Are They?

String variables are one of SPSS' two variable types. What really defines a string variable is the way its values are stored internally.We won't go into this technical matter here but those who really want to know may consult our Unicode tutorial. A simpler definition is that string variables are variables that hold zero or more text characters.
String values are always treated as text, even if they contain only numbers. Some surprising consequences of this are shown towards the end of this tutorial.

SPSS String Format

String variables in SPSS usually have an “A” format, where “A” denotes “Alphanumeric”. This can be seen by running the following line of syntax display dictionary. after opening the data. The result, shown in the screenshot below, confirms that we have two string variables having A3 and A8 formats.

SPSS String Variable Formats

The numeric suffixes (3 and 8 here) are the numbers of bytes that the values can hold. Starting from SPSS version 16, some characters may consist of two bytes.This is explained in Unicode mode. If you don't want to go into details, just choose string lengths that are twice the number of characters they need to contain to stay on the safe side.

SPSS String Command

Commands that pass values into variables, most notably COMPUTE and IF, can be used for both existing and new numeric variables. However, they can't be used for new string variables; you must first create one or more new, empty string variables before you can pass values into them. This is done with the STRING command. Its most basic use is STRING variable_names (A10). As explained earlier, A10 means that the new variable can hold values of up to 10 bytes. The syntax below creates a new string variable in our test data.

*1. Create empty new string variable with string command.

string string_3(a10).

*2. Pass values into new string variable.

compute string_3 = 'Hello'.

SPSS String Function

SPSS' string function converts numeric values to string values. Its most basic use is compute s2 = string(s1,f1). where s2 is a string variable, s1 is a numeric variable or value and f1 is the numeric format to be used.
With regard to our test data, the syntax below shows how to convert numeric_1 into (previously created) string_3. In order to capture all three digits, we need to specify f3 as the format.

*Convert numeric_1 to (existing) string variable with string function.

compute string_3 = string(numeric_1,f3).

Quotes Around String Values

If you use string values in syntax, put quotes around them. For example, say we want to flag all cases whose name is “Stefan”. The screenshot shows the desired result. The syntax below demonstrates the wrong way and then the right way to do so.A faster way to do this is compute find_stefan = string_2 = 'Stefan'. Compute A = B = C explains how this works.

*1. Compute empty flag variable.

compute find_stefan = 0.

*2. Wrong way: without quotes Stefan is thought to be variable name.

if string_2 = Stefan find_stefan = 1.

*3. Right way: quotes around Stefan.

if string_2 = 'Stefan' find_stefan = 1.


SPSS String Variable Flag Cases Flagging Cases Whose Name is Stefan

Note that the second step triggers SPSS error #4285: due to the omitted quotes, SPSS thinks that Stefan refers to a variable name and doesn't find it in the data.

String Values are Case Sensitive

Now let's create a similar flag variable for cases called “Chrissy”. After running step 2 in the syntax below, you can see in data view that no cases have been flagged; it uses the wrong casing. Step 3, using the correct casing, does flag “Chrissy” correctly.

*1. Compute empty flag variable.

compute find_chrissy = 0.

*2. Line below doesn't flag any cases because 'chrissy' is not the same as 'Chrissy'.

if string_2 = 'chrissy' find_chrissy = 1.

*3. Right way: 'Chrissy' instead of 'chrissy'.

if string_2 = 'Chrissy' find_chrissy = 1.

SPSS String Variables - System Missing Values

There's no such thing as a system missing value in a string variable; string values consisting of zero characters which are called empty strings are valid values in SPSS.Also note that you don't see a dot (indicating a system missing value) in an empty cell of a string variable. We can confirm this by running FREQUENCIES: frequencies string_2. Note that the empty string value is among the valid values.


SPSS String Variable No System Missing Values

User Missing Values in String Variables

Over the years, we've seen many forum questions (and some heated debates) regarding user missing values in string variables. Well, running missing values string_2(''). specifies the empty string as a user missing value. This can be confirmed by rerunning its frequency table; the empty string is now in the missing values section as shown by the screenshot.


SPSS String Variable No System Missing Values

Sorting on String Variables

String values are seen as text, even if they consist of only numbers. A consequence is that string values are sorted alphabetically. To see what this means, run sort cases by string_1.

SPSS String Variable Sorted Alphabetically Alphabetical Sorting of string_1

If this result puzzles you, represent the numbers 0 through 9 by letters a through j. Clearly, “bb” (= 11) comes before “c” (= 2) if sorted alphabetically.

No Calculations on String Variables

Because string values are seen as text, you can't do any calculations on them. For instance a COMPUTE command with some numeric function like compute string_1 = string_1 * 2. will trigger SPSS error #4307. It basically tries to tell us that our command crashed because a string variable was used in a calculation.

SPSS Error #4307

In a similar vein, most procedures involve calculations and thus won't run on string variables either. For example, descriptives string_1. won't produce any other results than a warning that the command crashed because only string variables were involved.