Python for SPSS – How to Use It?

SPSS Python Essentials

First off, using Python in SPSS always requires that you have

These components are collectively known as the SPSS Python essentials. For recent SPSS versions, the Python essentials are installed by default. One way to check this is navigating to Edit SPSS Menu Arrow Options SPSS Menu Arrow File Locations in which you'll probably find some Python location(s) as shown below.

SPSS Python Location In Edit Options

So what should you see here? Well,

Run Python from SPSS Syntax Window

Right. So if you've SPSS with the Python essentials properly installed, what's next?

Well, the simplest way to go is to run Python from an SPSS syntax window. Enclose all lines of Python between BEGIN PROGRAM PYTHON3. and END PROGRAM. as shown below.

Python 3 Program Block In SPSS Syntax Window

Try and copy-paste-run the entire syntax below. Note that this Python block simply lowercases all variable names, regardless what or how many they are.

*SPSS syntax for creating empty test data.

data list free/V1 V2 v3 v4 EDUC gender SAlaRY.
begin data
end data.

*Run Python block for lowercasing all variable names.

begin program python3.
import spss,spssaux
oldNames = spssaux.GetVariableNamesList()
newNames = [var.lower() for var in oldNames]
spss.Submit("RENAME VARIABLES (%s = %s)."%(' '.join(oldNames),' '.join(newNames)))
end program.

Wrap Python Code into Functions

Right, so we just ran some Python from an SPSS syntax window. Now, this works fine but doing so has some drawbacks:

A first step towards resolving these issues is to first wrap our Python code into a Python function.

*Create empty test data.

data list free/V1 V2 v3 v4 EDUC gender SAlaRY.
begin data
end data.

*Define lowerCaseVars as Python function.

begin program python3.
def lowerCaseVars():
    import spss,spssaux
    oldNames = spssaux.GetVariableNamesList()
    newNames = [var.lower() for var in oldNames]
    spss.Submit("RENAME VARIABLES (%s = %s)."%(' '.join(oldNames),' '.join(newNames)))
end program.

*Run function.

begin program python3.
end program.

Note that we first define a Python function and then run it. Like so, you can develop a single SPSS syntax file containing several such functions.

Running this file just once (preferably with INSERT) defines all of your Python functions. You can now use these for all projects you'll work on during your SPSS session.

Write Your Own Python Module

We just defined and then ran a function. The next step is moving our function into a Python file: a plain text file with the .py extension that we'll place in C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS Statistics\Python3\Lib\site-packages or wherever our site-packages folder is located.

Python Module In Site Packages Folder

We can now edit this file with Notepad++, which is much nicer than SPSS’ syntax editor. Since a Python file contains only Python, we'll leave out BEGIN PROGRAM PYTHON3. and END PROGRAM.

Python Module Contents

If we now import our module in SPSS, we can readily run any function it contains as shown below.

*Create empty test data.

data list free/V1 v2 V3 V4 v5 V6.
begin data
end data.

*Import module and lowercase variable names.

begin program python3.
import ruben
end program.

Developing and using our own Python module has great advantages:

A quick tip: if you're developing your module, reload it after each edit.

*Tip: if you're editing your module, reload it before each use.

begin program python3.
import ruben,importlib # import ruben and importlib modules
importlib.reload(ruben) # use importlib to reload ruben module
ruben.lowerCaseVars() # run function from ruben module
end program.

Create an SPSS Extension

SPSS extensions are tools that can be developed by all SPSS users for a wide variety of tasks. For an outstanding collection of SPSS extensions, visit SPSS Tools - Overview.

Extensions are easy to install and can typically be run from SPSS menu dialogs as shown below.

SPSS Create All Scatterplots Tool Dialog 2

So how does this work and what does it have to do with Python?

Well, most extensions define new SPSS syntax commands. These are not much different from built-in commands such as FREQUENCIES or DESCRIPTIVES. The syntax below shows an example from SPSS - Create All Scatterplots Tool.

*Fit all possible curves for 4 predictors onto single dependent variable.


Now, running this SPSS syntax command basically passes its arguments -such as input/output variables, values or titles- on to an underlying Python function and runs it. This Python function, in turn, creates and runs SPSS syntax that gets the final job done.

Note that SPSS users don't see any Python when running this syntax -unless they can make the Python code crash. For actually seeing the Python code, you may unzip the SPSS extension (.spe) file and look for some Python (.py) file in the resulting folder.

Unzip SPSS Extension File Unzipping an SPSS extension (.spe) file results in a folder in which you'll usually find a Python (.py) file

Some final notes on SPSS extensions is that developing them is seriously challenging and takes a lot of practice. However, well-written extensions can save you tons of time and effort over the years to come.

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